Decorations for the kids tables are often hard to find. You can not have something breakable. Also, you probably do not want to spend a ton of money on a flower centerpiece from your florist, since the children will not even care what they look like. One option is to make a colorful centerpiece out of candy. The kids are sure to LOVE this centerpiece. Plus, it can serve as their favor as well. Dylan Lauren, owner of confection megastore Dylan’s Candy Barmade made this sweet centerpiece. To create this look simply fill plant pots with Conversation Hearts, jelly beans, rock candy and Red Hots and nest lollipops in the mix. It’s beautiful and a sure fire hit with the kids!
It makes me smile just looking at it. The rainbow of colors provide a warmth and an innocence to everyone who enters the room.
this is something easily affordable on any budget, guaranteed to win the approval of kids and perfect for birthday parties.
These are so cute and adorable. And anyone can make them, and eat them. I am definitely stealing this idea for something, not sure what yet, but I will put it to use. Thanks for the idea.
I would like to order these for my daughters 1st birthday party in July. Can I please have some more information on them.
i am having a candyland theme babyshower and that would be the perect centerpiece for all the tables
can i please have more info on how i can order this? thank you so much!
This idea is very easy and cheap to do. All you need to do is put either styrofoam or floral foam (both found in craft supply stores) in the bottoms of plant pots, or any small decorative vessel. You will more than likely have to cut it to fit, but both are very easy to work with. Then fill it to the rim with your favorite candy, concealing the foam. Stick your favorite lollipops or suckers down through the candy and into the foam and you are done! Easy as that!
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